Trends in Social Media Advertising: What’s New for Meta and LinkedIn

In the ever-evolving world of social media advertising, staying up-to-date with the latest trends is crucial for the success of your campaigns. Two major platforms that have a significant impact on social media advertising are Meta and LinkedIn. In this blog, we’ll explore the newest trends and updates on these platforms that can elevate your advertising efforts. Let’s delve into what’s changing and how it can benefit your campaigns.

Trend 1: Video Continues to Dominate

One major trend across both Meta and LinkedIn is the continued dominance of video content. Short video ads, stories, and live streaming are becoming increasingly popular. For instance, Meta’s dynamic ad formats allow you to engage with your audience through video, carousel, and slideshow ads.

Example: If you’re promoting a fitness app, you can create a short video demonstrating a workout routine and use Meta’s video ad formats to reach a wider audience.

Trend 2: Augmented Reality (AR) Ads

Meta has been making strides in AR advertising. AR ads offer interactive and engaging experiences for users. Think about the potential of allowing users to virtually try on clothing, test out makeup, or visualize furniture in their homes.

Example: If you’re in the fashion industry, you can leverage AR ads to enable users to “try on” your clothing line, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

Trend 3: Enhanced Targeting and Personalization

Both Meta and LinkedIn are continuously improving their targeting options. Meta allows you to target users based on their behavior and interests, while LinkedIn offers precise targeting options based on job titles, industries, and skills.

Example: If you’re running a B2B campaign for a project management software on LinkedIn, you can specifically target professionals with job titles like “Project Manager” or “Business Analyst.”

Trend 4: Messenger and Chatbot Advertising

Meta’s messaging apps, including Messenger and WhatsApp, offer exciting opportunities for businesses. You can use these platforms for advertising and even set up chatbots for customer interaction.

Example: An e-commerce business can use Messenger to send order updates, answer customer inquiries, and even recommend products based on previous purchases.

Trend 5: LinkedIn’s Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

LinkedIn has introduced a robust Account-Based Marketing feature, allowing businesses to target specific companies with personalized content. This feature is a game-changer for B2B marketers.

Example: If you’re selling cybersecurity solutions to large enterprises, LinkedIn’s ABM lets you create tailored content that resonates with these high-value accounts.

Trend 6: Improved Analytics and Reporting

Both Meta and LinkedIn are investing in improving their analytics and reporting tools, providing advertisers with more in-depth insights into campaign performance.

Example: You can use these insights to fine-tune your ad campaigns, allocate budgets more effectively, and maximize your return on investment.


As social media advertising continues to evolve, it’s essential to keep a finger on the pulse of the latest trends and features offered by platforms like Meta and LinkedIn. Leveraging these trends can help you create more engaging and effective campaigns, reach your target audience, and ultimately drive better results. So, stay informed, experiment with new features, and adapt your strategies to harness the power of social media advertising in this ever-changing landscape.

Catch you later,

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